

We are delighted to have received numerous awards in recent years for our own developments and customer references. They are a wonderful confirmation of our work at the highest level.

  • <h5>ETMA Tube Of The Year 2024<br/><p>Prototype, Child Resistant tube Ø10<p/> 13 5 inno dropper child resistant k 06 web
    ETMA Tube Of The Year 2024

    Prototype, Child Resistant tube Ø10

  • <h5>Ted Klein Tube of the Year 2024<br/><p>Sanofi, Polyfoil® with no-mess, Massaging Applicator<p/> 00796 IH Pro No Mess 3oz Tube FR copy
    Ted Klein Tube of the Year 2024

    Sanofi, Polyfoil® with no-mess, Massaging Applicator

  • <h5>ETMA Tube Of The Year 2022<br/><p>Liebwerk, Picea™ Wood Tube<p/> <h5>ETMA Tube Of The Year 2022<br/><p>Liebwerk, Picea™ Wood Tube<p/>
    ETMA Tube Of The Year 2022

    Liebwerk, Picea™ Wood Tube

  • <h5>WPO World Star Winner 2020<br/><p>Bayer, Polyfoil® Tube with soft TPE applicator (Stylo Spatula)<p/> CAN Extra Creme 15g mit Canes Touch Uv Tu 01 CMYK IS Ov2 freigestellt
    WPO World Star Winner 2020

    Bayer, Polyfoil® Tube with soft TPE applicator (Stylo Spatula)

Do you have very specific requirements for the packaging of your product and your own ideas? Whether it is a certain barrier, a special application or an innovative decorative feature, (almost) everything is possible. Together, we can develop your tailor made solution – from the idea of the tube applicator, the material and decorative features, right up to mass-production.

    Awards Tailor made development


As a leading manufacturer of primary packaging, we follow a consistent quality policy and align ourselves with the needs of our customers. We continuously optimize systems and processes to ensure the highest product quality in the future, too. Methods such as the Annual Product Review (APR) or Balanced Score Card (BSC) provide the necessary foundations for this. All materials are clearly defined as pharmaceutical or food compliant and meet the regulatory requirements of REACH, the EU’s food legislation and the FDA. We adhere to the U.S. Drug Master File for our pharmaceutical specifications. We observe the guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and produce in clean rooms according to ISO 14644 class 8/9.


Quality, Environmental, and Product Safety policy (EN)

ISO 9001

ISO 15378

ISO 14001


BRC/IoP GS 6.0

ISO 9001

ISO 14001


EN 15343

ISO 9001

BRC/IoP GS 6.0

ISO 9001

ISO 15378



The design of a tube is often a contributor to the consumer's final decision to buy when faced with competition. To ensure that your product gets into the consumer's shopping basket, we can support you in the following areas:

  • Determining tube specifications (material, body characteristics, head, orifice, cap)
  • Advice on the tube decoration
  • Printing preparation / data processing
  • Simple transfer of the artwork
  • Data and quality control as well as archiving
  • In-house stencil production (CTP)

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email hidden; JavaScript is required

In our own laboratory, we can carry out tube production tests and help you when choosing colors and effects:

  • Compatibility and decoration tests
  • Substance migration analysis
  • Advice on tube sterilization
  • Coloring of tubes, caps and applicators
  • Permeation tests (O2 / H2O)
  • Customized varnishes and effects
  • Production of samples in small quantities (for example, for your marketing department)
  • Laboratory analytical studies

The packaging and transport of tubes is challenging. The use of the right packaging units and stable materials means that loading, filling and sealing is as easy as possible for you. We look for packaging with low material consumption. And we offer special secondary packaging for subsequent tube sterilization.

There are several manufacturers of tube filling and sealing machines and each tube material has different sealing properties. We are happy to assist you in finding the right settings and parameters for your machine and used format parts. Contact us by email, phone or after initial technical discussions we can visit you on your site and advise you directly on your machine.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please write to:


    Design Laboratory Logistics Tubesealing
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