Back to overview Sugarcane

Bio-based Packaging for Sustainable Beauty

  • Made from renewable sugarcane, reducing reliance on fossil fuels
  • Safe for natural cosmetics and skincare applications
  • Available in various sizes, with options for printing and decoration
  • Fully recyclable alongside traditional PE tubes
50 sugarcane lowprofilecap New Builder
  • Renewable Ressources
  • Recycling Friendly
  • Reduced Material

Renewable Resources

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach Verpackungen aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen?

Unsere Lösungen aus Biokunststoff verringern die Umweltauswirkungen Ihrer Verpackungen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kunststofftuben erheblich.

Es gibt zwar einige Optionen für Biokunststoffe, aber viele von ihnen basieren auf Materialien, die weder die Kohlenstoffemissionen vollständig minimieren noch die höchsten Nachhaltigkeitsstandards erfüllen.

Unsere Biokunststofftuben werden aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, wie z. B. pflanzlichen Materialien, hergestellt, die im Vergleich zu konventionellen Kunststoffen eine wesentlich geringere Kohlenstoffemissionsbilanz aufweisen. Diese Tuben erfüllen die strengsten Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen, darunter Ecocert und Cosmos, und stellen damit sicher, dass Sie nicht nur die Umweltbelastung reduzieren, sondern auch hohe Ökostandards einhalten.

Recycling Friendly​

Are you struggling to find packaging solutions that are truly recyclable?

Packaging made from multiple materials, especially those containing aluminum layers, creates significant challenges for recycling, often resulting in waste streams that are difficult to process efficiently.

By using a single material family, such as PE or PP, for the entire packaging—body, cap, and shoulder—you ensure compatibility with recycling systems. This approach simplifies the process, reducing the risk of materials being diverted to landfills or energy recovery.

Multi-layer or composite materials often mix different substances, making separation and proper recycling nearly impossible. This complexity leads to higher waste and environmental impact.

Our mono-material packaging offers a clear path to recyclability. With all components made from the same material, it can easily be recycled, closing the loop and contributing to a circular economy. This approach not only supports sustainability goals but also reduces the environmental footprint without compromising packaging performance or appearance.

Reduced Material

Are you looking to reduce your packaging’s plastic content?

Many brands are challenged by the carbon footprint of their packaging when using traditional plastic tubes.

Switching to thinner-walled, lightweight tubes significantly lowers your carbon footprint. While thin-walled tubes are common, most solutions overlook the potential to further reduce material use in key areas like caps and shoulders. These components often add unnecessary weight and material, limiting your sustainability goals.

Our advanced tube technology minimizes material usage not only in the walls but also in the caps and shoulder design, all without sacrificing the essential protective barriers that keep your product safe. With our solution, you achieve both sustainability and performance.


  • Natural Cosmetics
  • Skin Care
  • Hair Care


Sugarcane PE, COEX
16/19/25/30/35/40/50 mm
​Offset Printing
​Silkscreen Printing
​Hotfoil Stamping​
Sugarcane PE
Wall thickness
0.35 mm
0.40 mm
0.50 mm
Head, Shoulder

Screw or filp-top caps (HDPE)

5 - 300 ml




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